So, I may or may not have mentioned I've just began a month interning in Look magazine's fashion department (It's not like I talk about it much or anything...). As my first week in the big bad fashion journalism world comes to an end I thought I'd share my experiences with you, you lucky lucky people.
Unlike most fashion blogs I'm not going to just show you what I wore every day because really, you're probably not that interested & secondly I have to get up at 7 every morning & to be perfectly honest I really can't be bothered to start taking pictures of myself at that time. I want to tell you about what I've really experienced & what it's really like to be the lowest of the low on the fashion career ladder.
On my first day I turn up early, trying my best to make a good impression, to this awfully intimidating building that resembles The Devil Wears Prada a little too much for my liking. I'm left waiting for about thirty minutes & naturally I'm starting to freak out. This is obviously a bad omen isn't it? I should just get up & leave now shouldn't I? Coming to London & missing an entire month of my third & final year at university was a ridiculous idea Kathy, what on earth were you thinking?
Yes, this all went through my head within a short half an hour. Thankfully, I could not be more wrong. I have literally had one of the best weeks of my life & as cliche as it sounds I've learnt so much. Yes, there has been copious amounts of coffee involved (it's free though - IPC Media supply unlimited amounts for all their staff the little cuties) but it's been worth all the hard work. The view from the canteen (top right corner) is enough to make me want to go into work everyday.
While me & my fellow three interns (Jaz, Megan & Hannah - who are adorable by the way) were majorly thrown in at the deep end, I was always expecting that. Being part of a team has made it so much easier though, ringing up a PR company for the first time can be a little bit daunting but now I wouldn't think twice about it (I'm a pro, naturally). I've even been able to put together an online piece this week which will be published in the next few days, and yes I will be bombarding you with links.
Despite having absolutely nothing to do with my journey to becoming a fashion journalist I've got to say experiencing Liberty's this week was a major highlight. I was sent to buy a leaving present for one of the team (Yep, major intern classic right there) & was given their press card...which means 20% off...and I was allowed to use it. Yes, you read right, I was allowed 20% in the most beautiful, fantastical, amazing store of all time. It was worth buying something for the carrier bag alone (That's me being drawn in my advertising once again, cringe).
Although I've pretty much lived off soup this week (Pret you lifesaver) & I don't think I've ever been this tired I have really been able to see the hard work that goes into a weekly magazine. I'm beginning to appreciate how much magazines rely upon their unpaid interns. Sample returns, chasing up photographers, showing models where to go, arguing with PR companies & freaking out when you accidentally barge into the editor (She wasn't impressed). It's all been part of an amazing week & I can't wait to do it all again (Although I am a little sick of soup).
Kathy x
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