Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Look After Yourself

My Auntie Irene bought me Bobbi Brown's 'Beauty Rules' & ever since I've been a devoted fan - this woman speaks a lot of sense (Both Bobbi Brown & my Auntie Irene). Bobbi preaches about the importance of beauty and fashion being connected to the way you treat your body. For example the best beauty tip is to respect your body: eat & drink well & the results will be clear.
Reading this book inspired me to change the way I treat my body, I didn't give it enough respect & lack of excerise & a few too many nights out were starting to show (I like to call this the curse of freshers year...which somehow followed me into second year...don't even know how that happened...). Not one to do things by halves I entered myself in to a half marathon & began to train & eat cleanly (although I can't bring myself to give up Dr Pepper & red wine).
With one month to go until the half marathon I can honestly say I feel so much better within myself & the fact I'm doing it for a good cause (The MS Society) makes me feel even better. I wear things I wouldn't have dreamt of wearing at the beginning of second year & my skin feels so much better. I also don't feel so guilty after a night out, I feel like I deserve a treat.
My top tip if you're going to start training is to always have a 'power song', when you're losing steam put your chosen power song on & it'll help you go that little bit further. Make sure you change it regularly though, if you keep it the same for too long it loses the desired effect! Hope this helps!
Left to Right: My new Nike Free trainers (Make me look like Usain Bolt, what's not to love?), Bupa Great North Run: It's real - I'm doing a half marathon, the badge even says so, My current 'power song' Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey remixed by Cedric Gervais.
Kathy x

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